Built by Bogi Bogi, Hungary

Does a chopper really need a dragster tire on its rear end, or such a high frame? Not really, but does a roadster really need a Hemi? You know where I'm going with this. Actually, the main reason I built OverKill to such outlandish proportions was to retaliate against the mass marketing of big box store choppers.
Even though this sick chop has proportions that rival some of the petrol-burning street customs, it certainly won't bust your wallet or require you to spend the next year in a machine shop. The fact is, OverKill is built from nothing more than an old car rim, some scrap bicycle parts, and a few lengths of electrical conduit using only a welder and grinder.
Yes, anyone can pull this one off using the tricks shown in the plan.. Every step of the build is detailed using high resolution photos, and you will be amazed at how simple it is to add bicycle spokes to the car wheel, and there is plenty of room for you to add your own evil modifications to the frame. How does it ride? Dude, look at this beast, it was made for cruising!
As you can see, OverKill not only rides well, but it dominates the road with its radical proportions and kicks dirt in the face of conformity. Choppers belong to us garage hackers, so let's take back what is rightfully ours and send a message to those who think mass production is the way to go. Get building!