A whopping 17 new projects are now a part of the growing Atomic Zombie bike hacking community. This month's additions include: tall bike, trikes, trailers, choppers, electrics, long wheel base recumbent, trailer, lowracer recumbent and crazy bikes.
Soledad Hassett of Melbourne, Australia, built this OverKill style chopper .
This pair of custom accessorized bikes from Koji in Brazil features ultra cool wheels:
Jim Pachla and his son Scooter spent part of the winter months building their custom Kyoto Cruiser trike:
Bob of Niceville, Florida, sent in pictures of his new LodeRunner Cargo Trike:
AZ building guru and long-time forum member, Sir Joey, sent in pictures of four bike projects, including The Bulldog Electric Trike (glad to see you back in the swing of things, Sir J):
And, there are six new crazy bikes, five of which were submitted by Cap'n Bikebeard and company from Bristol, England.
There are many more cool bike projects in the gallery, so be sure to check them out - www.atomiczombie.com/gallery.htm .
Cheers, friends