Well, our long-awaited camping trip was a bust. It was pouring rain for almost 24 hours straight and just above zero our first night. So cold and damp in that new tent of ours. We huddled together under piles of sleeping bags and blankets, but still could see our breath. The next day, rain continued for another 12 hours. We gave up. Packed up in the pouring rain and headed home.
We so looked forward to this trip, so did our nieces who were supposed to come out on Friday and spend the weekend with us. We were all disappointed. The torrential rain and frigid temperatures would have made us all sick for sure. There were a few positives, though. The ice cubes in the coolers stayed frozen, as did most of the meat, so nothing was spoiled.
A friendly chipmunk visited us and took refuge from the rain and cold in my lap while I sipped coffee underneath our screen tent shelter. And, a doe and her offspring watched us about 100 feet away while we packed up in the rain, content to graze in the downpour undisturbed, as most campers had already packed up and left hours earlier.
This summer has been the pits for weather. Cold, rain and fall temperatures throughout July and August. Leaves on Maple trees are already turning colors, usually happens in October, not August. Very disappointing.
We had the family clan over for supper to use up the food we had brought camping. Oh well, we did have a few laughs tonight and enjoyed a good meal.
Camping season, if we had one this year, is pretty much over. Almost chilly enough right now to turn on the furnace. No kidding! A risk of frost over night. This is nuts!
If there really is global warming going on, it certainly is by-passing us here!