Well, we did look for a suitable purple, but did not like any of the department store offerings. This great color called "Burnt Copper" was chosen by Kat, and I really like they way the final product turned out.

Just have to add cables and then I will be showing off the back of my head to all of the wedgie riders out on the streets!
No chain or pedal interference at all, and it should fit riders from 5'-6" up to giants. Oh yes, I do like my old-skool shifters, and clipless pedals!
Oh, and the weight came out just under 30 pounds...not too bad! It's a sweet ride. Went zipping around the 'hood today. Very fast! I might just keep this one around for awhile. Video will be done tomorrow, as long as it doesn't rain.
The DIY plan will be available by the end of this week! Stay tuned...