After months of reading on the Atomic Zombie website and on this forum I'd like to share a little about my own experiences with working on building the High Roller.
First of all, AZ has been a great discovery for me. Nowhere else on the web I found such a proper explanation of bike dissection and bike building. Kudos to Brad for being an expert on the subject but still being able to explain it to the layman properly!
I've liked the concept of a recumbent bike for a long time. If you love biking and innovation - as I do - and you realize that you can be more comfortable and efficient on a recumbent, well, then you want one
I have no experience with welding or metal construction whatsoever, but I always wanted to learn how to weld. A few months ago I decided to start a welding course. I took this course in a great place in my town called the "Stadswerkplaats". It is a non-profit organization with a working place where they have all kinds of tools and machinery for wood- and metalworking. For a few euro's "rent" you can work in this place and use all the machinery. And you can get all kind of courses, including welding and metal construction.
The bottom line is that I have started working on building the High Roller using my new knowledge, a lot of help from the kind people at the "Stadswerkplaats" and Brad's building plan off course.
Here are some photo's of the frame and the seat thus far. I will post my progress later on!
Aligning the frame
Latest photo of the frame (I made a bit more progress last week, pictures coming soon)
Bottom bracket
Building the seat
Painting the seat
Follow Arthur's High Roller Short Wheel Base Recumbent build at the Atomic Zombie builders forum: .Our international builders community ranges from students to retired engineers, but they all have one thing in common - the desire to build their own stuff!